- The Nubian Network's members will have increased its collective earning power 5-fold through group economics and increased access to job and contract opportunities,
- A single dollar will routinely circulate 50 times throughout The Nubian Network's membership base before leaving out of the community,
- The Nubian Network will have linked like-minded and motivated people together so that there will have been over 500,000 financial transactions - businesses supporting other businesses; consumers purchasing products and services from our members,
- The Nubian Network will have adequately promoted our members through the most innovative and resourceful means available to ensure that all consumers in most of our targeted areas knew how to access a referral so that consumers had the means to find high quality businesses and professionals,
- The Nubian Network will have established business headquarters in 5 targeted regions and will be staffed with its own regional leaders and support team members,
- The Nubian Network will have established a means to regularly promote our members and continuously increase their exposure to targeted national, regional and local audiences,
- The Nubian Network will include business members offering over 400 varieties of products and services, and will have licensed/certified professional members in over 100 professional categories,
- Ultimately, The Nubian Network will have helped to change the perception of businesses, organizations and professionals representing our community by exhibiting more positive and realistic images of who we really are and demonstrate of what we are truly capable of achieving.